Wilders’ new anti-mosque campaign inspired by UK Islamophobe

Posted: January 28, 2013 by bobfrombrockley in Europe, Islamophobia
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Nick Lowles at HnH:

According to the excellent Loonwatch website, which reports on the activities of the self-styled ‘Counter-Jihadists’, Geert Wilders has launched a new website, MoskNee (MosqueNo), which aims to “offer advice to non-Muslims who want to mount a legal challenge to plans for a new mosque in their area.”

His website claims: “Netherlands is not an Islamic country and should never be. Yet we see the influence of Islam increase hand over hand…. Under the influence of the fast-growing Muslim population – around 1 million people in 2013 – the number of mosques has increased sharply. Netherlands now has more than 450…. What would be nice is a Netherlands without mosques. The PVV therefore says: enough is enough. As far as we are concerned there will be no more mosque in Netherlands.”

In an interview with Algemeen Dagblad Wilders states that “the mosque is a symbol of an ideology of hatred, violence and oppression” and that ideally the PVV would like to ban mosques from the Netherlands altogether.

Now, where have we heard that before? Oh yes, from Gavin Boby the planning lawyer who in his spare time campaigns against planning applications for mosques and other Islamic buildings.

The activities of Boby, and his Law and Freedom website, was the subject of a three-page investigation in the latest HOPE not hate magazine.

Boby shared a platform with Wilders to rile against the threat of Islam in the European Parliament last July and it appears that this was the inspiration for his latest anti-Muslim enterprise. Also speaking was EDL leader Stephen Lennon.

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